Carolyn Griffey Loser In USA Shalamar Trademark Challenge

The  USA government trademark and patent office snatched the wig and edges of Carolyn Griffey the Jody Watley wanna be who started flexing muscles posting taunts and threats for all Shalamar and Jody fans to see all across the web with her her besties Vijay Bhucar, Howard Hewitt, Jeffrey Daniels  "Shalamar" gang. The Griffey girl said she was "fighting for the truth" in her initiated "trademark wars"  and baby the truth was told, Miss Thing had no papers, no last will and testament from Death Rows Dick Griffey like old boy Hewitt went on shady ass Tom Joyner show bragging about.

Griffey, Hewett and Jeffrey Daniels also dropped a diss single called "The Real Thing" as if they was "the real Shalamar"  singing about a they got a brand name *rolls eyes* at the collective shade. Black grandmas and pops,aunties and uncles, old schoolers far and wide know darn well there was many Shalamars but the one with the hits that my Grannie will always hold dear is Jody, Jeffrey and Howard. My Grannie put me on them and other old school acts, I love me some Teddy Pendergrass and Al Green when I was coming up and we was at her house on the weekends.
I stans hard for the catwalk music queen Jody Watley since her petticoats and ankles boots rocker soul style girl turned me out. Jody made it cool to be different while my azz was navigating the mean streets of Compton. We all wanted to be and dress like Jody but dance like Janet and Michael on them steps like drill team.

Carolyn Griffey or Baldwin or whatever her  real name is files had nothing but Google Images, Youtube screen-saves and statements from some people that was on the old and gone Solar label hear-say according to the public records. I was surprised to read that Carolyn chick try to say Jody was never really in Shalamar just a singer for hire or something like that, say what now? The bish had her challenge terminated and dismissed.

Chile I'm happy for Miss Jody that she won the so called one sided "war" against her while none of us knew this was still going on for so long *sips a quiet tea*
Meanwhile, the Griffey step-daughter (what kind of ghetto ratchet mess is it when you not even the biological child and the daddy supposedly left it all to the step child not the wife or biollogical ones?) Gurl bye, no receipts. Carolyn Griffey will still be looking for her papers while Geraldo is still trying the find the body of Jimmy Hoffa.

Miss Jody mic drop statement but all she really had to say was "God don't like ugly." Go head Miss Jody!!